Up Mount Pinatubo

I learned today of a trip up Mt. Pinatubo in the Phillipines, which sounds interesting.

First there’s the terrain: a vast expanse of land reaching out of the horizon, strewn with hills, mountains, streams, rocks, pebbles, and boulders the size of cars. Then there’s the omnipresent sand, which gets into everything and everywhere else. Finally there’s the journey it self: Sixty minutes of bumping adventure, grinding 4 x 4 action, followed by 45 min to 1 hour trek. Raw, rugged yet beautiful, Mt. Pinatubo – the EASY Climb.

Rising some 1780 meters above the plains, Mt. Pinatubo made headlines when it erupted 1991, burning a path of devastation throughout Central Luzon. Now Mt. Pinatubo is again a focus of attention as an attraction for eco-tourist.


3 am Assembly at Cubao bus station for those who don’t have car to the site

6 am Assembly at Capas Tarlac for those who have cars

Sta. Juliana, for Department of Tourism Registration

8 am ETA in Crater, swim, chill, photo opps, lunch, boat ride

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